The Jason Group Analyzes Baker's HFGW Proposals
In October of 2008, the JASON group of the MITRE Corporation released the results of a several-month study covering Robert Baker's alleged HFGW technology. The report outlined the reason for the study as follows (emphasis is mine):
"The JASON study was motivated by proposals to the US government by a group centered around the company GravWave R LLC, the CEO of which is Dr. Robert M.L. Baker, Jr. An important proposal is a concept for a detector of HFGW, by Baker and Dr. Fangyu Li of Chongqing University, China; see [10, 11, 12] and references cited therein."
In other words the group (the members of which remained unnamed) presented proposals to the U.S. government regarding, most likely, potential funding of the research. As shown in the previous update - after failing to obtain funding from the U.S. government, the group apparently thought that that foreign investors may be more willing and able.
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