Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Investigating the Truth Behind UFO Roswell and MJ12

During the course of our UFO Roswell investigations, one thing became very clear when we first started communicating with former CIA Analyst, Dr. Green...a clear explanation of their (he and Hal’s) motivation in becoming so deeply entrenched in Rick’s latest efforts would not be easily forthcoming. Initially, he brushed off their involvement as simply coincidental and that their only motive was to get to the bottom of the Serpo story, just as the rest of us hoped to.

A Debate About Rick Doty and His UFO Roswell Hoaxes

When we pointed out that Rick had a long history of distributing clearly fabricated UFO Roswell information to the Ufology community, Kit responded with a long litany of influential people he has known within government, intelligence, and military circles that have vouched for Rick Doty.

“I Consider Him Like a Son…”

This same statement, which he repeated often and to a number of people who were asking him the same questions, typically went as follows (the following comes from one of our phone conversations):

“With that said, I have spoken to 2 Directors of the CIA, 10 years apart, who I totally respect, who say 'trust Rick Doty'. One of them said to me 'I consider him like a son to me.' And that he
is the 'only one I could constantly trust'.”

During the entire three year stretch of time that we’ve been researching Rick’s activities related to the Serpo and the earlier UFO Roswell related MJ12 releases, Kit was the only person, with a respectable reputation, who would ever make such a claim about anyone advising him that one could “trust” Rick Doty.


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